Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Trip and tripping

We walked into Starbucks to get coffee (*duh*). G asks me what I want. I couldn't make up my mind between cappuccino and coffee frappuccino. So, I ended up asking for crappuccino…

G and Sophie dropped me off at my friend's place and they went exploring the little city of Lebanon. They had visited Strover Dam Park during their exploration. When my friend asked where they visited our forgetful G said that they went to some dam park.

Living with G's family, I've come to understand something of Sophie's lifecycle. It consists of three main events that keep repeating themselves one after the other…

"I'm hungry"

"I'm tired"

"I'm sleepy"


--xh-- said...

LOL @ crappuccino...
u visiting Lebanon? could you do a blog about lebanon food...

SandyCarlson said...

What fun, Bungi! Yeesh. I'm not a Starbucks person, so I think you ordered exactly what they serve.

I enjoyed your sense of humor!

Ryan said...

I think you have been away from home too long.

Anonymous said...

bunganen... coach buchanen is gonna have a complex problem soon

Clarissa said...

Eat and take a nap.

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you're back! I was really delighted to see your name in my email box and know you're around.

I hope you enjoy the movie!