Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The dignity of giving

Giving is deglorified when the motive behind the giving is to glorify the self. Oftentimes, giving is goaded by selfishness. I give because it makes me feel good. I give because I want to stop feeling guilty. I give because I am generous - or so I think.

One does not become a true giver all at once. It is a process that is worked out in us provided we accept the challenge, be willing to stretch ourselves a bit more, to go the extra mile…

Truly selfless giving pinches. Makes you lose yourself in the process. You decrease and you let the other increase. It is something that we grow into.

It demands that you step down from the pedestal. (Who put you up there, anyways?) Demands that you not have just knowledge about the other's need and situation but to know it as your own. Demands that you stop looking at the other person and their situation, but look along with the person at the situation, at the world around. It demands that you journey with the other - walk in their shoes. Demands that you not only give, but receive - in all humility for you are poor too. It demands that you know your own inner poverty.

And when you give selflessly you do not take away the dignity of the receiver…

p.s. - The first part to this post can be found here.


Lynda Meyers said...

Love never demands its own way... Some wise dude said that once.

Have you ever read the book "The Giver"? It's an interesting fictional / fantasy story that approaches this issue of giving in a whole new light.

SandyCarlson said...

I suppose you do not take away the dignity of the receiver because you are one with the receiver.

This is a wonderful reflection. Sometimes those who give to enlarge themselves or their public image ultimately find the pleasure and return of the giving is not in the fame but in the connection with those to whom they have given. Change is possible!

SandyCarlson said...

I tagged you with the book meme. I hope you'll feel like joining in.
It's here: Writing in Faith: Thoughts

Bungz said...

Madison - After i saw your comment, i purchased the book. Plan on reading it sometime. It sounds interesting from the blurb...

Sandy - Yeah. When we truly give we end up receiving as well. We wouldn't know who is the receiver and the giver... And yeah, change is what is needed. This learning to give well is a progressive thing, i suppose.