Monday, January 07, 2008

First meme of this year

Sandy tagged me with this. It is a pretty interesting meme. Makes thinking back on the past a bit easier.

1. What did I learn?

I learned that perfection or being whole is a moment by moment thing. You aren't really there if you think you have reached there. One step at a time.

Also, you can eat an elephant one bite at time.

2. What did I accomplish?

Workwise, I have accomplished a lot. I have become more confident. Brought closure to certain things which helped open up certain other things and be more effective in the new stuff. Personally, I have grown my hair real long, I have learnt to cook at least some basic stuff…

3. What would I have done differently?

Treated some people with true respect instead of look down on them like I did.

4. What did I complete or release?

Brought to closure some issues. Also, accepted the fact that there are certain things that I cannot change and I need to accept the person/situation as it was and learn to live with it. It was sort of releasing for me and for the person/situation.

5. What were the most significant events of the year past?

Met my best friend again almost after three years.

6.What did I do right?

Swallowed my pride and behaved less arrogant and in that I earned a friend.

7. What were the fun things I did?

Movies and dinners at Anju's, outings with friends. All these involved a lot of laughter. Blogging. Bloghopping. Working. Hanging out with my brother. And with his bunch of friends too. Took a trip to Delhi and from there to Kiki's wedding.

8. What were my biggest challenges/roadblocks/difficulties?

Insecurities - mine and that of people around me.

9. How am I different this year than last?

I'm more confident about who I am. Not entirely yet, but I have come to face the facts - there are certain things that I am not good at, but then there are other things I am good at. I am learning to be comfortable with both.

10. For what am I particularly grateful?

Friends, roof over my head, God's provision and His faithfulness even when I am not particularly faithful, Romans 8:32, my folks and my past.

I tag JollyRoger, Sandhya, Anju, Gitu, Kiki, Kriti, Kirthi, and anybody else who wants to play along.


Gomathy S said...

Hey Happy new year wish you to all these fun things and lots more too :)

PurpleHeart said...

I must say u have become quite insightful and philosophical over the year. Hope u have a great 2008 !

SandyCarlson said...

This is such a beautiful and candid post. I will make some of your accomplishments my goals for 2008! God bless.

SandyCarlson said...

It's just a fact that you have a wondeful blog. Here's an award for you, far-away blogger friend:
Writing in Faith

Praney ! said...

Hey, you sound cooool in that post.

Wishing you all better and best everyday !

Bungz said...

Gomathy - Hey! Thanks. You have a wonderful year too! And happy Pongal!

Sandhya - He he. Thanks. You could say that. And i have been finding my right 'blog voice' too over the last year.

Sandy - Thank you! I wouldn't say my accomplishments are done and set in stone. I need to be watchful lest i fall in those... :-) And thanks for the award! Means a lot to me! This is the first blog award i am receiving.

Praney - Thank you! Wishing you the better and the best too!