Thursday, January 07, 2010

Abandoned... NOT

Alright. I did abandon my blog for this long. Hope to turn over a new leaf. New year is a good time to do that, eh?

Thought i'd post this random, albeit insightful(!), conversation i had with my friend yesterday.

Well. She's a person who would say it as it is. Someone who you'd say is blunt. Someone that has a sharp tongue. I, on the other hand, am a person with a smooth tongue. Very diplomatic (i think).

Somehow, the words 'sharp' and 'blunt' seem unsuited. Don't you think?

Besides, it takes a very sharp knife to cut something very smoothly.

So... the point being...

Ah well. Life goes on...


Vadapoche said...

Ah well, life goes on. Happy New Year Bungi and belated Christmas wishes

SandyCarlson said...

I am glad you posted. And I so enjoyed your wit with this one. God bless, friend.