Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dreaming on...

There are a few things that are a constant in the world. They may be expressed differently at different times, but they continue to exist. The struggle between the powerful and the powerless, that between good and evil, and that between idealists and status-quo'ers.

It is difficult being a dreamer. Constant struggle against the tide is the way of life. But they wouldn't have it any other way. If anything, it is the struggle that whets their appetite for more. Yes. They do pull out of the stream every once in a while to recoup the strength and reassess the path of the river only to dive straight back into the river to continue their swim against the tide.

Even if it takes aeons, even if they don't see evidence, they continue and they persist. Sometimes violently. Sometimes silently.

It is these people that change the course of the river. May God give them strength and ever use them to bring the Kingdom.


SandyCarlson said...

There are days that dreaming feels downright lonely and painful.

Lynda Meyers said...

Oh wow... You have spoken my heart! Your words ring so very true...

What would happen if those of us who swim against the stream joined together somehow - at least in spirit - I believe it would strengthen us and spur us on, and it does!!

Thanks for being an encourager!

Search Theory said...

well stated.

Bungz said...

Sandy - Aaah. Tell me about it. But we can't help but dream on.

Madison - I think God secretly brings together dreamers even without their knowledge and builds the current. You know what i mean?

Search Theorist - Hah. I like this new name i have given you. Thank you. :)